Ask Dr. Potato

With 930 posts, chances are there's already an answer to your question. Please try searching below before submitting a question to Dr. Potato. Use multiple words to help narrow down the results. For example, search for "potatoes" and "group" if looking for an answer on cooking potatoes for large groups.

Does Idaho Grow Any Organic Potatoes?

Mar 25, 2014
Q: Do very many Idaho Potato Growers grow organic potatoes?
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Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes Reinvented

Mar 20, 2014
Q: Do you have any ideas on something different I could try when pairing meatloaf with mashed potatoes?
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Storing a 50 lb box of Idaho® Potatoes

Mar 17, 2014
Q: If I purchased a 50 lb box of potatoes how long would they stay good if stored in proper conditions?
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Freezing Homemade Mashed Potatoes

Mar 14, 2014
Q: Can homemade mashed potatoes be frozen?
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Basics of Storing Idaho® Potatoes

Mar 10, 2014
Q: What is the best way to store Idaho® potatoes?
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Baking a Large Number of Idaho Potatoes in a Convection Oven

Mar 7, 2014
Q: Can I bake 20 Idaho potatoes in my convection oven at the same time? How long, and what temperature?
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Proper Steps to Storing Peeled Potatoes

Mar 5, 2014
Q: How long can you store peeled potatoes? Will peeled potatoes go bad if left out of the refrigerator? Can cubed peeled potatoes sit in water overnight? Can you peel raw potatoes and leave them in water overnight?
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What to do With the Leftover Mashed Potatoes

Mar 2, 2014
Q: At my restaurant we serve a lot of entrees with a side of Idaho® mashed potatoes and while I love how popular this is with our customers, we often end up with extra.  I would like to use these up before making a new batch…any suggestions on what else I can do with them?
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Making Idaho Potato Latkes for a Large Group

Feb 27, 2014
Q: I am making Idaho potato latkes for a lot of people.  The key is to get the moisture out of the grated potatoes.  Usually, I squeeze grated potatoes in a kitchen towel, which works great if there are not too many.  However, it is tiring and it hurts my wrist when there are a lot.  Do you have any suggestions on what else I should try?  Do you think a salad spinner would work?
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Nutritionally, Am I Saving Calories By Eating A Plain Sweet Potato Instead Of An Idaho® Baked Potato?

Feb 19, 2014
Q: love potatoes but a lot of my friends make faces at me when I order them baked instead of choosing a baked sweet potato. Other than that carotene thing, are sweet potatoes that much more nutritious?
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