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Should I Be Eating The Skin Of The Potato?

Feb 10, 2014
Q: I just eat the insides of a baked potato but my girlfriend says the skin is even more nutritious. Is she right? Should i eat the entire potato, or peel the skin? Help me understand the why! Will I lose some potato nutrition if I always peel my russet potatoes for mashed, fries, hash browns, etc.?
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Dr. Potato Loves All Potatoes Not Just The One’s Recommended By Prevention Magazine -Organic Potatoes

Feb 7, 2014
Q: Prevention Magazine suggests that consumers pick only organic potatoes for their consumption. While organic is available most times at the markets I shop at, they are more expensive, especially when I buy for my family, usually wanting 5-10 pounds at a time. Are conventional potatoes as bad as they make them out to be?
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Any Tips To Offer School Foodservice Directors Nutritious And Affordable Idaho® Potato Meal Options

Feb 4, 2014
Q: Can you share what some schools have done with potatoes as a meal option to make them more nutritious?
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What Are The Most Popular Ways To Fix An Idaho® Potato When It Comes To Nutrition?

Feb 1, 2014
Q: I love potatoes and especially fries, mashed and baked. What is the healthiest way to prepare a potato?
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Fingerling Potatoes Can Be A Unique Side Dish, Ingredient, Or Entrée

Jan 30, 2014
Q: What can I do with Idaho® Fingerling potatoes to make them taste unique for my guests?
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Why I Do Not Recommend Baking Potatoes In Aluminum Foil

Jan 27, 2014
Q: Our restaurant owner has asked us to look at ways to save money in the kitchen and one that I remember reading on one of your blogs posts, for Dr. Potato, was to not wrap Idaho® potatoes in aluminum foil. I can’t remember all the reasons. I know it helps keep the potatoes warm longer, but our bakers are turning out almost wet when we pull them out of the oven and cut them open to add butter before sending out to the guests.
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Watching Your Potato "Waste" Line

Jan 24, 2014
Q: I have done all kinds of trimming back to save on food costs at my restaurant, what can I make sure I am doing with potatoes?
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Double Order Of Potatoes... For Two?

Jan 21, 2014
Q: Don’t you think that chains serve too big a portion? I can’t possibly eat all those mashed potatoes by myself. Signed, Clean Plate Club.
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Can I Cut Potatoes The Night Before Eating Them Without Them Turning Brown?

Jan 18, 2014
Q: I am having dinner at my home for approximately 20 people. To save time, I am wondering if I can cut potatoes the night before without them turning brown or losing flavor.
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How To Bake More Than Just A Few Potatoes In The Oven At The Same Time

Jan 16, 2014
Q: Can I bake 20 Idaho potatoes in my convection oven at the same time? How long, and what temperature?  Thank you.
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