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What is the best way to store Idaho® potatoes?
The Farm Babe - How to Properly Store Potatoes
You will want to store your potatoes in a cool, dark and well ventilated place. They will keep for about a week at room temperature and for several weeks at 45°F to 50°F. However, refrigerator temperatures are too low, which converts the potato's starch into sugar, resulting in a sweet taste. The extra sugar also causes potatoes to darken prematurely while frying. (This process can sometimes be reversed by storing the potatoes at room temperature for a week to 10 days.) If potatoes have green patches, cut them off, as they have been exposed too long to direct lighting and will have a faintly bitter taste. The rest of the potato will taste fine. Potatoes are still alive when they are picked, so they should be kept in a cool area, away from the light. A cellar is ideal, but any place where they won't be exposed to excessive heat or light will help prevent spoiling.
Q: Should I wash my potatoes before storing?
A: Before storing spuds, look them over and use any bruised ones first. Since dampness can cause decay, it is best not to wash spuds before storing.
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