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Exterior Cracks In My Potatoes

Jun 20, 2014
Q: I am a grocer and I recently have been experiencing exterior cracks in my potatoes. I know it is not a defect when they are inspected but my concern is that that the bigger cuts keep consumers from buying them.
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How To Store Fresh Cut Fries Overnight

Jun 18, 2014
Q: I tried storing fresh cut fries overnight in water and salt, and they foamed up and damaged the fries. Sometimes this works but most time there is foam and smell. Then we have to dump the pail of fries and have to re-cut more, which is wasting a lot of potatoes. Any tips would be a big help.
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Serving Breakfast All Day Long

Jun 13, 2014
Q: Dear Dr. Potato, my customers want favorite breakfast items on the menu all day long. Can you suggest breakfast dishes that satisfy 24/7?
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Eating Left-Over Potatoes

Jun 11, 2014
Q: I have forgotten which episode and cannot find it on his website but Dr. Oz said not to eat leftover baked potatoes and gave the reason(s). Do you have any idea what he was talking about? I usually eat one-half of a baked potato one night and the other half the next night.
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Should I Be Making My Fries With Fresh Potatoes

Jun 9, 2014
Q: I’ve owned and operated several restaurants and now am opening a gourmet fresh burger place. Should I be making my fries from fresh potatoes?
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Cost Per Serving Of A Baked Russet Potato From Idaho

Jun 6, 2014
Q: How can I easily figure out what the individual potato cost is to bake an Idaho® Russet? I usually order a 90 count, Russet Burbank or Russet Norkotah.
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Can I Eat Potatoes That Have Sprouted?

Jun 4, 2014
Q: Is it ok to eat potatoes that have sprouted?
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A Few Fries Short Of A Happy Meal…

Jun 2, 2014
Q: Ever heard the term “a few fries short of a happy meal”? Well, short fries drive Dr. Potato insane! Why, you ask?
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Perfect Idaho® Potato Poutine

May 29, 2014
Q: What makes a good potato for a Poutine? Can the original recipe be modified with different ingredients?
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How Long Will it Take for a Potato to Turn Green When Exposed to Light?

May 27, 2014
Q: How long will it take a potato to turn green when exposed to light?
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