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My Mother Was Recently Placed On A Low-Sodium Diet

Jul 19, 2014
Q: This is a potato nutrition question that wasn't answered on your (very comprehensive FAQ) page. My mother was recently placed on a low-sodium diet. We enjoy eating baked potatoes at restaurants, and some of the establishments we frequent salt the skin of the potatoes before baking. We understand there to be very little sodium in an unsalted baked potato. However, if one were to eat a baked potato prepared with a salted skin, and did not eat the skin (only the inside), is much of that sodium absorbed? Or does it primarily remain on the skin and the inside could be viewed as having relatively low sodium content? I’m hoping that a nutritionist or food science associated with your commission might be able to provide perspective on this, because we really would like to continue to enjoy baked potatoes at restaurants.
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The Insides Of Our Potatoes Turned Brown

Jul 17, 2014
Q: We had fish fry at church last night, we got there about noon, washed and wrapped 170 potatoes in tin foil and baked them in a confection oven till they were 210 degrees F and then kept them in a cooler, until the fish fry began at 5pm. The insides had all turned brown. What did we do wrong? There must be some way diners keep baked potatoes for a long time without this happening. Any help you can give us would be appreciated.
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What Can I Use As A Dressing For Potato Salad Other Than Mustard Or Mayo?

Jul 15, 2014
Q: What can I use as a dressing for potato salad when my family doesn't like mustard or mayonnaise?
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Double Stuffed Potatoes Or Suggestions For A Twice Baked Idaho® Potato Boat

Jul 13, 2014
Q: I was watching Mr. Food re-runs and noticed he called the twice baked potatoes “Double Stuffed”. Do you have a copy of the video for the recipe he did? Any other suggestions for a stuffed Idaho® potato recipe to share with a home cook?
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How Long Should I Cook A 22 Ounce Potato?

Jul 9, 2014
Q: I've been looking to find information on how long and at what temperature to bake very large potatoes. Your website came closest, however, I have some even larger potatoes than listed (around 22 ounce a piece) and I simply can't find the information I'm looking for anywhere. Could you help me out?
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Can You Peel Potatoes With Sandpaper?

Jul 3, 2014
Q: Hi Doc, I was wondering if I could peel potatoes with sandpaper and is it safe?
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Twice Baked Potatoes Are Gooey

Jun 30, 2014
Q: I have done twice baked many times and never had them come out like this… where they are gooey when mixed with milk and butter. Any cure?
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Within The Past Few Months Our Potatoes Have Been Tasteless, Lumpy And Mealy. Have Genetics Caused This Problem?

Jun 25, 2014
Q: I am a cook of more than 45 years and my mom for more than 80 years and she is still a great cook. Within the past few months the potatoes are tasteless, lumpy and mealy. Have genetics caused this problem? After so many disappointments, we have decided that we might as well buy boxed potatoes. Although, I sure will miss my baked potato. What Happened???
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How Do I Make My Own Freezer Hash-Browns?

Jun 23, 2014
Q: How do I make my own freezer hash browns, I can’t find any recipes. I want to be able to take my homegrown potatoes, shred them and store them in the freezer for later use without having added ingredients that store bought hash browns have… Any ideas?
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