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When are Idaho Russet Burbanks Harvested?

Dec 30, 2011
Q: When are Idaho Russet Burbanks harvested?
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Food Safety

Dec 27, 2011
Q: My husband is under the impression that he can keep a big pot of soup, or a stew, out of the fridge and on the stovetop ”indefinitely” as long as he boils it once a day. I think he's crazy; inviting all sorts of nastiness to grow in there. Who is right?
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Disappearing Potatoes

Dec 23, 2011
Q: As I was preparing to make a large pot of homemade vegetable soup, I cut up a 5# bag of Idaho potatoes. Much to my dismay as I was stirring my soup, my potatoes had disappeared. I have never had this to happen. Could you please explain what happened to my potatoes?
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Preparing Mashed Potatoes Ahead of Time

Dec 20, 2011
Q: What is the best way to insure mashed potatoes are creamy & taste “just mashed” when prepared a day ahead of serving?
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Peeling Potatoes in Advance

Dec 16, 2011
Q: How far in advance of cooking can i peel my potatoes?
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Yukon Gold Varieties

Dec 13, 2011
Q: Are Yukon Gold Potatoes and Gold or Golden Potatoes the same thing? I'm a produce manager in a large grocery store and I have a lady customer who is arguing with me that they are not. Can you please help me?
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Lumpy Mashed Potatoes

Dec 9, 2011
Q: How do I fix lumpy mashed potatoes?
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Premium Length French Fries

Dec 6, 2011
Q: Can you explain again what you meant when you said that it pays to buy premium length French fries over the least expensive “line flow”?
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Black Spots after Piercing Potatoes

Dec 2, 2011
Q: We held a large banquet last night. We scrubbed and pierced the potatoes (some of them pierced with a fork), wrapped them in foil and baked them the next day.  We were horrified when we cut the "fork" pierce potatoes to find them black where they were pierce with the fork.   Is there any way to prevent that from happening? That didn't happen on the knife pierced ones.
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Difference in Idaho Potato Crop from 2011 to 2012

Nov 11, 2011
Q: Is there much difference between this year’s Idaho potato crop and last year’s?
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