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Can You Add Sugar And Salt To Water If You Are Brining Fries?

Oct 12, 2022
Q: Can you add sugar and salt to water if you are brining fries?
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I Cure Potatoes For 4 Days At 93°F And I Notice That They Taste Better. Why Is This?

Sep 16, 2022
Q: I cure potatoes for 4 days at 93f and I notice that they taste better. Why is this? They also look more golden brown.
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There Are Black Spots In My Boiled Potatoes, Should I Remove Or Cut Them Out?

Sep 2, 2022
Q: I boiled potatoes for potato salad with the skins on. I found numerous black spots the size of a pin head. Should I have removed/cut them out? There were really a lot; otherwise, the potatoes seemed fine.
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Can I Safely Freeze An Already Blanched Potato?

Aug 30, 2022
Q: Can I safely freeze an already blanched potato?  
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Can I Cook Raw Meat In An Already Baked Potato?

Aug 30, 2022
Q: Can I cook raw meat in an already baked potato?  
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I Deep Fried Last Year's Idaho Potatoes And They Came Out Very Dark. Why?

Aug 19, 2022
Q: Every year I have to deep fry last year‘s Idaho potatoes, they come out very very dark and sometimes they’re not even done. How can I remedy this problem?
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When I Am Boiling Potatoes for Potato Salad, Why Do They Sometimes Turn Brown?

Aug 12, 2022
Q: I have a question on boiling potatoes for potato salad and why they brown sometimes. After the potatoes boil, do we drain them and then add water with teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice before we put in Fridge? Or just leave the remainder of potato juice water and just add more water to cover and add the vinegar or juice. Thanks!
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Do Sprouts Affect Flavor?

Aug 10, 2022
Q: Do sprouts affect flavor?
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How Do I Properly Store Potato Chips?

Aug 10, 2022
Q: How do I properly store potato chips?
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Can I Cook Potatoes That Have Been Halved And Wrapped In Foil And Left On The Counter For 8-10 Hours On A Hot Summer Day?

Aug 10, 2022
Q: Can I cook potatoes that have been halved and then wrapped in foil and left on the countertop for 8-10 hours on a hot summer day?
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