Ask Dr. Potato

With 931 posts, chances are there's already an answer to your question. Please try searching below before submitting a question to Dr. Potato. Use multiple words to help narrow down the results. For example, search for "potatoes" and "group" if looking for an answer on cooking potatoes for large groups.

Does Covering Potatoes Make Them Sprout Quicker?

Jan 23, 2023
Q: Does covering potatoes make them sprout quicker?
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Is It Safe To Eat My Leftover Potatoes Eight Days Later?

Jan 20, 2023
Q: I cooked a roast one week ago with potatoes. The leftovers have been in my refrigerator. Is it safe to eat the potatoes eight days later? Can I fry them?
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Local Idaho Companies that Produce Potato Chips

Jan 13, 2023
Q: I love Idaho potato chips, they are my favorite! Can you tell me if I can buy these chips from any local Idaho companies?
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How Do I Keep My Potato Chips Light In Color?

Jan 13, 2023
Q: Hi, I am trying to make potato chips, the thin crunchy type that are sold in supermarket, but I have a big problem, when fry them until all water is gone and they are crunchy and they become very dark in color. The chips sold in the supermarket are blond in color. No matter what I do, different potatoes, different temperature, soak in water, nothing works. If you could tell me the secret I would really appreciate it. Help me please!
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Can Yukon Gold Potatoes That Froze In My Refrigerator Be Used?

Dec 19, 2022
Q: Can Yukon gold potatoes that froze in my refrigerator be used? After they thawed, they are quite mushy. Afraid to use them. Thought about using them for mash potatoes.
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How Do I Identify Dry Rot In My Potatoes?

Nov 22, 2022
Q: How do I identify dry rot in my potatoes?
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How Do I Steam Potatoes?

Nov 22, 2022
Q: How do I steam potatoes?
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Can I Make Boxed Potatoes And Not Cook Them For A Few Hours Later?

Nov 15, 2022
Q: Can I make boxed potatoes and not cook them for a few hours later?
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A Potato Exploded In Oven Yesterday. How Do I Clean Hard Potato Residue?

Nov 2, 2022
Q: A potato exploded in oven yesterday, so how do I clean hard potato residue?
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Is It Safe To Pressure Can Whole Potatoes?

Oct 21, 2022
Q: Is it safe to pressure can whole potatoes?
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