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Fixing a Healthy Potato

Oct 5, 2012
Q: I'm on a diet, but I don't want to cut out carbs. How should I fix a potato that's healthy and nutritious for me to eat?
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Harvesting Potatoes

Oct 2, 2012
Q: When I told someone from Idaho that I thought potatoes were continually being planted and harvested all year long, he laughed at me. Isn’t that true?
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Availability of Russet Burbanks

Sep 28, 2012
Q: I’ve found that when I make fresh-cut fries, Russet Burbanks seem to be the only potatoes that crisp up nicely. I’ve learned my lesson when I’ve used other Russets—the fries are extra soggy and my customers complain about them. Where can I find the famous Idaho® Russet Burbanks? Sometimes my foodservice distributor says they are out usually in July or August.
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Wet Greek Fries

Sep 25, 2012
Q: What restaurant has been around forever and has an amazing following for their soggy fries?
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What is the Nutritional Value of Potatoes of Different Varieties?

Sep 14, 2012
Q: For people trying to lose weight, there’s a debate about whether or not we should eat potatoes. I know potatoes are high in carbs, but I understand they are also very nutritious. Where can I find nutritional information of the different varieties of potatoes?
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So, What is Poutine?

Sep 11, 2012
Q: What is poutine? I see it popping up more and more on fast food and casual dining menus.
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Are Black Potatoes Safe to Eat?

Sep 7, 2012
Q: Last night I started cooking green beans and potatoes in the crock pot, which I covered first with aluminum foil and then the lid, which didn’t fit tightly. I set the crockpot to warm overnight, but when I checked it this morning some of the potatoes were blackened. Are they still safe to eat?
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Can a Package of Uncooked Hash browns Contain Botulism?

Sep 5, 2012
Q: In my refrigerator today I found a package of commercially prepared shredded hashbrowns that was 2 weeks past the “fresh by” date. The package was swollen up like a balloon so I threw it out. Could the package have contained botulism?
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Potato Starch

Aug 17, 2012
Q: How and why should I remove starch from uncooked fries?
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Cooking peeled potatoes

Aug 14, 2012
Q: If I want to peel my potato by boiling the skins off, do I have to continue boiling the potato for more than 15 minutes to cook it fully?
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