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Potato 101

Aug 10, 2012
Q: I have my own kitchen for the first time so I want to learn all about how to cook potatoes. Everyone tells me that they are easy to prepare, economical, and are really good for you. Where do I start?
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Annual Potato Consumption

Aug 7, 2012
Q: Where can I find out how many pounds of potatoes are consumed each year in the USA and how much is fresh versus frozen or dehydrated?
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Tips for Making Potato Salad

Jul 26, 2012
Q: I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I'm in my 50’s and have never made potato salad from scratch but that's the way it is. :-) I have two questions for you:  Can I cut up the potatoes (plain old brown potatoes) BEFORE I cook them and, if I do, HOW LONG more or less should I boil them? All the recipes seem to say “until soft” but they never actually give a time for me to check and it seems silly to stand next to the stove to poke a fork into the potatoes every couple of minutes. 10 minutes? 15? 20? Is there a good reason why the potatoes need to be peeled as long as I’ve scrubbed them clean?
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How Much Oil is Absorbed by Hash Browns at a Fast Food Restaurant?

Jul 23, 2012
Q: Do you have any idea how much oil is absorbed by the hash browns at Fast food joints? I know that potatoes can be healthy, and I was hoping that when in a crunch and on the run I could use a napkin and suck up most of the grease from the hash brown. I just was wondering if you knew approximately how much oil is actually getting into the potatoes. Thanks!
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Why Are My Frozen Potatoes Soggy?

Jul 19, 2012
Q: Could you please tell me why when I thaw out last year’s bag of frozen potatoes they are holding a lot of water and are very soggy? We blanch, cool on a baking sheet and then freeze in bags but they are sooo soggy. Please advise.
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Leaving the Skins on Potato Salad

Jul 16, 2012
Q: Is there any reason the skins cannot be left on a potato when making potato salad?
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Keeping partially grilled potatoes in foil and fridge

Jun 21, 2012
Q: How many days can you safely keep partially grilled potatoes in the same foil and in the fridge?
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Do mashed potatoes have less sugar than baked potatoes?

Jun 19, 2012
Q: Do mashed potatoes have less sugar than baked potatoes?
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Oxidizing potatoes

Jun 14, 2012
Q: I sliced up an Idaho potato to put it through my shredder for fresh hash browns, and before I shredded it, the potato was white. After I shredded it, however, the potato turned a reddish color. Is the potato still safe to eat?
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Wash and wrapping potatoes

Jun 11, 2012
Q: Is it safe to wash russet potatoes and wrap them in aluminum foil the night before they are cooked? And is it safe to leave them at room temperature until they are baked?
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