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Using Thawed Hash Browns in a Casserole

Feb 19, 2013
Q: I want to make a casserole dish ahead of time that calls for thawed hash browns. Can I combine all of the ingredients, defrost the hash browns, and return the uncooked hash browns back to the freezer?
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Will a Bigger Potato Produce a Crispier French Fry?

Feb 14, 2013
Q: I have been using a 90 count russet burbank for my fries. They have not held their crispiness long enough for me to deliver a crispy fry at the table.  I spoke with my purveyor and they recommended I try a 60 count Idaho russet burbank.  I was surprised I had to buy such a large potato to accomplish this. I was thinking of cutting them in half before putting them through our cutter.  Can you confirm that a bigger potato will produce a crispier fry (with proper blanching at 325°F and re-frying at 350°F)?
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My Potatoes Turned Gray in the Slow Cooker

Feb 12, 2013
Q: I made a slow cooker meal with chunks of Idaho potatoes that I placed in a tin foil pack in the bottom of the slow cooker. I put a whole fryer chicken on top of the foil pack and cooked the chicken on low for 7 hours. After 7 hours, I opened up the foil to find some very gray potato chunks. What happened? Are they safe to eat?
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French Fry Producer from the 1970’s

Feb 7, 2013
Q: I would like to know how I can find a French fry producer who was in business back in 1970's and 1980's, who supplied French fries to eateries in Idaho. Can you please help me out?
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Baked Potato Bar for 150 People

Feb 5, 2013
Q: I will be feeding 150 people a baked potato bar.  I live 3 hours from the event.  Can I pre-cook the potatoes, store them in a cooler (was thinking about using a heating pad to keep it hot) And transport them to the feeding location? Also… How long will baked potatoes last – when the heat is retained? Should I wrap them in foil individually – before or after cooking? Or, should I find a location closer to the event that can cook 150 potatoes for me?
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Dr. Potato - Traditional Mashed Potatoes

Jan 31, 2013
Q: Do you have a great, simple mashed potato recipe to share?
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Cooking with Dehydrated Potatoes

Jan 29, 2013
Q: I was cleaning out my pantry the other day and noticed that I have several packets and containers of dry potatoes for recipes like mashed potatoes and hash browns and scalloped potatoes. Any suggestions on using these as a base for a more interesting recipe?
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Using Leftover Potato Bread

Jan 24, 2013
Q: I always buy potato bread or potato rolls for special occasions, but I sometimes have some leftover. What can I make with the leftovers?
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Suggestions for Takeout Baked Idaho Potatoes

Jan 22, 2013
Q: BAKE AND TAKE, any suggestions for takeout baked Idaho Potatoes?
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Vegan Potato Recipes

Jan 17, 2013
Q: I have vegan friends coming over dinner, so what vegan recipes can I make with potatoes?
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