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The Perfect Potato For Potato Salad

Jul 29, 2015
Q: I am trying to find potatoes that don't have a sweet taste and stay firm when done cooking, so they can be used for potato salad, and don't turn in to a mashed potato. Where can I get them and what is there name. I am frustrated because I can't find the right potato to make my favorite potato salad. Please help me find the right potato for my potato salad.
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Why Are Potatoes Sold in Plastic Bags Instead of Mesh?

Jul 29, 2015
Q: Why are potatoes generally sold in plastic bags rather than mesh ones (like onions)? It is my thought that they would store better.
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Blooming Idaho® Potato

Jul 7, 2015
Q: I own a restaurant in Vermont and we serve Idaho Spuds, after searching your website, I saw a Knife/potato bloomer that cuts small holes end to end and side to side on baked potatoes, where can I find one of these?
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What Exactly Is A “Modern Potato Salad”… And Please Share Some Recipes!

Jun 3, 2015
Q: I recently heard the term “Modern” used in conjunction with potato salad and wondered exactly what does that mean? Do you have any Idaho® potato salad examples to share? 
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Storing Prepared Baked Potatoes For A Large Event

May 15, 2015
Q: We are doing a large potato bar for 600...after we bake the potatoes (no foil!), we would like to go ahead and fluff them and then wrap with foil. We thought they would be easier/faster to serve if they were already opened when the guest is at the buffet. Good idea? If so, how long will they keep? We have warmers/holding ovens.
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How can I tell when my baked potatoes are done?

May 5, 2015
Q: Sometimes at home I fix a single baked potato for dinner, sometimes for the family I bake 4-5 at a time. How can I easily tell when they are done?
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Feeding 100 Hashbrowns or Home Fried Potatoes

May 1, 2015
Q: I'm dicing Yukon Gold potatoes to make hash browns or home fried potatoes. How many pounds of potatoes should I use? There will be other sides. It's a breakfast with: eggs, grits, and oatmeal as options and or additions to each plate.
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Why Have My Potatoes Sprouted?

Apr 27, 2015
Q: I ordered several cases of potatoes and when they arrived, most of them were sprouting. What caused the potatoes to sprout so fast during shipping?
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Baking 30-40 Potatoes for a Large Group

Apr 27, 2015
Q: We are having an event where we will be serving baked potatoes.  I will be cooking 30-40 medium to large Idaho potatoes in our oven.  We have two ovens - one with two racks, the other with one.  I typically wash the potatoes, poke them a few times, and place them right on the rack at about 400°F for 60 minutes.  Considering the number of potatoes and their size I have a few questions below:  (Answers are in red) What temperature do you suggest I use to cook them?
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