Ask Dr. Potato

With 930 posts, chances are there's already an answer to your question. Please try searching below before submitting a question to Dr. Potato. Use multiple words to help narrow down the results. For example, search for "potatoes" and "group" if looking for an answer on cooking potatoes for large groups.

Dr. Potato Loves Game Day Recipes With Idaho® Potatoes As The Star

Feb 2, 2018
Q: Do you have any last minute, easy to make game day recipes with Idaho Potatoes as the star?
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How Do I Keep Potatoes from Sprouting at Home?

Jan 31, 2018
Q: How do I keep the potatoes from sprouting and going soft?
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Why Do Potatoes Sometimes Taste “Earthy”

Jan 29, 2018
Q: Why do have an “earthy” flavor sometimes after you cook them?
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Can I Bake Potatoes In A Roaster?

Jan 16, 2018
Q: Can I bake potatoes in a roaster? If so, can you give me directions or direct me to a recipe?
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How To Keep Idaho® Potatoes From Turning Brown After Boiling

Jan 11, 2018
Q: After boiling potatoes, how can I keep them from turning brown overnight so I can make potato salad the next day?
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Where Can I Source Frozen Bulk Organic French Fries for my Frozen Food Company?

Jan 9, 2018
Q: We are a frozen food company looking to source frozen bulk organic French fries. We are looking for a list of companies that produce French fries in Idaho and thought you might be able to assist us.
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How Long Can A Foil Wrapped Potato Sit In A Warmer After It’s Cooked?

Jan 5, 2018
Q: How long after cooking a foil wrapped potato can it sit in a warmer? For instance, I would like to sell wrap cooked potatoes and would like to know how long after cooking them are they good for in the display style warmer case?
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Making Twice Baked Potatoes In Advance

Jan 3, 2018
Q: I am making twice baked potatoes for dinner tomorrow. Can I bake them today and scoop out the meat, add fixings and then finish them off tomorrow?
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Baking A Giant Idaho® Potato

Dec 30, 2017
Q: In a 10 lb bag of Idaho® russets I found a HUGE potato, bigger than any potato I've ever cooked! I don't want to cut it up, but I have no idea how long to bake it.  I measured is more than 6 inches long, with a slightly more than 9-inch circumference. How long and at what temperature should I bake it at? Any special instructions?
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Top Food Blogger Recipes Of 2017

Dec 28, 2017
Q: I found a previous post that Dr. Potato had a listing of top 10 best food blogger potato recipes, do you have a 2017 List?
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