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Turkey Day Mashed Potato Tips from the Doctor, aka Dr. Potato

Nov 21, 2018
Q: How can I become a potato expert for one of the most important days of the year that family celebrates together – Thanksgiving? I was asked to bring the mashed potatoes. I moved away when I graduated from high school and when at my home I depend on the packages of dry mashed potato mix. These are so consistent, quick and economical when I want a side of potatoes. They are great, but not homemade. What do I need to know to make foolproof mashed potatoes that everyone will rave about?
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Mashed Potato Recipes…Milk, Cream, Sour Cream or Buttermilk?

Nov 19, 2018
Q: Dr. Potato, when it comes to Thanksgiving mashed potato recipes, what is your preference? Do you prefer milk, cream, sour cream or cream cheese?
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New, Fun Recipes for Idaho Mashed Potatoes

Nov 13, 2018
Q: My family always expects Idaho® mashed potatoes for the holidays, any new recipes you’d like to share?
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Dr. Potato Observations While Traveling on Fresh-cut Extra Crispy Fries

Nov 12, 2018
Q: I want you to look at the picture below of an order of fries our table received recently on one of my road trips. Let me know if you see anything unusual and if this happens at your restaurant:
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Can I use Russet Norkotah Potatoes for Making Fresh-cut Fries at my Hamburger Stand?

Oct 29, 2018
Q: I have a hamburger stand I just opened this summer and I was using fresh Idaho Russet Burbank potatoes for my fries. The supplier I use just sent me a Russet Norkotah variety. The cartons still say Idaho, can I use them for my fries? They seem to be frying up a little darker.
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Is There a Source for Year-Round Organic Russets?

Sep 28, 2018
Q: I’m starting up a restaurant chain that offers organic made-to-order, fresh-cut French fries and I am finding it difficult to nail down a supply for organic russet potatoes.  The restaurant is located in the Chicago Suburbs and I wanted to touch base with you to see if you had any insight as to where I should be looking to obtain this supply of potatoes. 
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Can Idaho® Potatoes Be Grown Anywhere

Sep 11, 2018
Q: I’m wondering if you know of any farmers in this area around Chicago that grow Idaho Potatoes (or is that a ridiculous question)?
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What Could I Add To My Idaho® Potatoes On The Menu To Make Them Even More Popular?

Sep 10, 2018
Q: As a high volume independent restaurant, I’ve got Idaho baked potatoes on the menu already, plain or loaded with the traditional sour cream, butter, and chives. Any thoughts on an ingredient I could add to get a little higher check overage?
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Any Suggestions On Summertime Potato Options

Sep 4, 2018
Q: With the Fall fast approaching, any camp out or summertime recipes you’d like to share for our end of picnic season, besides potato salad?
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