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With 930 posts, chances are there's already an answer to your question. Please try searching below before submitting a question to Dr. Potato. Use multiple words to help narrow down the results. For example, search for "potatoes" and "group" if looking for an answer on cooking potatoes for large groups.

The Best Way To Open A Baked Idaho® Potato

Oct 29, 2013
Q: What's the best way to open a baked potato?
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The Best Method To Pre-Cooked Mashed Potatoes

Oct 25, 2013
Q: What is the best method to pre-cook mashed potatoes and reheat later?
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How Long Will a 50lbs Box Of Idaho® Potatoes Last If Stored Properly?

Oct 22, 2013
Q: If I purchased a 50 lb box of potatoes how long would they stay good if stored in proper conditions?
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Can You Freeze Idaho® Mashed Potatoes?

Oct 18, 2013
Q: Can homemade mashed potatoes be frozen?
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How To Store Idaho® Potatoes

Oct 15, 2013
Q: Where is the best place to store potatoes?
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Why Do My Idaho® Potatoes Sometimes Turn Black

Oct 11, 2013
Q: Why do my potatoes sometimes turn black after I cook them?
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New Potato Peeler

Oct 8, 2013
Q: Why is my new potato peeler often difficult to use?
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Pressure Cooking Idaho® Potatoes

Oct 4, 2013
Q: Can a pressure cooker be used to cook Idaho® potatoes?
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How To Fry Idaho® Potatoes

Oct 1, 2013
Q: How do I achieve the best results when frying Idaho® potatoes?
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Can You Eat Idaho® Potatoes Raw?

Sep 27, 2013
Q: Is there anything harmful in eating potatoes raw?
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