Ask Dr. Potato

With 930 posts, chances are there's already an answer to your question. Please try searching below before submitting a question to Dr. Potato. Use multiple words to help narrow down the results. For example, search for "potatoes" and "group" if looking for an answer on cooking potatoes for large groups.

Is It Safe To Prepare A Potato Dish With Dairy Products In Advance To Serving It?

Sep 24, 2013
Q: Can I make a recipe for mashed potatoes that contains cream cheese a week in advance and then reheat to serve?
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The Best Way To Boil Idaho® Potatoes

Sep 20, 2013
Q: What's the best way to boil Idaho® Potatoes?
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Why Are My Mashed Potatoes Lumpy And Sticky?

Sep 17, 2013
Q: Why are mashed potatoes lumpy and sticky at times and not at others?
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The Best Way To Make Idaho® Mashed Potatoes

Sep 13, 2013
Q: How do I achieve the best results when mashing Idaho® Potatoes?
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Grades Of Idaho® Potatoes

Sep 10, 2013
Q: Are there two grades of Idaho® potatoes, or two varieties?
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What Size Idaho® Potatoes Should I Buy?

Sep 6, 2013
Q: What size Idaho® potatoes should I buy?
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Are Idaho® Potatoes Gluten Free?

Sep 3, 2013
Q: Do Idaho® potatoes contain gluten?
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How To Get The Most Nutrition Out Of An Idaho® Potato

Aug 30, 2013
Q: How do I get the most nutrition out of Idaho® Potatoes?
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The Healthiest Way To Cook An Idaho® Potato

Aug 28, 2013
Q: What is the healthiest way to cook Idaho® potatoes?
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What Makes Idaho® Potatoes So Good?

Aug 23, 2013
Q: What makes Idaho® Potatoes so good?
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