Ask Dr. Potato

With 930 posts, chances are there's already an answer to your question. Please try searching below before submitting a question to Dr. Potato. Use multiple words to help narrow down the results. For example, search for "potatoes" and "group" if looking for an answer on cooking potatoes for large groups.

Favorite Memory of a Potato Dish

Sep 29, 2010
Q: Do you have a favorite memory of any potato dish that was on the menu at a restaurant that sticks in your mind and why?
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Why Are My French Fries So Dark?

Sep 24, 2010
Q: My fries (I use frozen shoe string cut potatoes) are too dark. What can I do?
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Preparing Baked Potatoes for a Crowd of 450 People

Sep 22, 2010
Q: We are preparing baked potatoes for a crowd of 450 in two days. Is it OK to go ahead and wash and wrap the potatoes now?
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Back to School Basics with Fresh Cut Fries

Sep 20, 2010
Q: With “Back to School” themes everywhere, do you have any suggestions on what more I could learn about fresh cut French fries?
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Become an Expert on Frying Potaotes

Sep 17, 2010
Q: Do you have any resources that you can share on becoming an expert on frying Idaho® potatoes?
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Where Can I go for all of my Potato Questions?

Sep 15, 2010
Q: I have a potato question, have I arrived at the right source?
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Mashed Potatoes Insight

Sep 13, 2010
Q: What’s hot with mashed potatoes right now?
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Proper Baking Time for Potatoes

Sep 10, 2010
Q: What is the proper baking time for a nice dry and fluffy Idaho® Russet potato?
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My French Fries Taste Odd...

Aug 9, 2010
Q: My French fries taste odd, what’s up?
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Potato Inspiration

Aug 6, 2010
Q: I need some potato inspiration, any ideas?
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