Ask Dr. Potato

With 931 posts, chances are there's already an answer to your question. Please try searching below before submitting a question to Dr. Potato. Use multiple words to help narrow down the results. For example, search for "potatoes" and "group" if looking for an answer on cooking potatoes for large groups.

Best way to boil Idaho® Potatoes

Jul 13, 2010
Q: What is the best way to boil potatoes when making potato salad?
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Dr. Potato - Idaho® Potato Gnocchi

Jun 22, 2010
Q: Is it hard to make potato gnocchi?
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Wake up Breakfast Sales

Jun 18, 2010
Q: Do you have any suggestions to wake up my breakfast sales?
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Explaining Idaho® Potatoes to Customers

Jun 16, 2010
Q: What’s your favorite way to describe an Idaho® potato on the menu or when we have our servers explain a giant baked Idaho® potato to our guests?
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Tater Tots®

May 26, 2010
Q: Is it my imagination, or are Tater Tots® making a comeback as a food item that’s not just for breakfast anymore?
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Indulgent Idaho® Potato Dish

May 24, 2010
Q: Do you know of a dish using Idaho® potatoes that is really indulgent?
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Ethnic Menu Items

May 21, 2010
Q: Do you have any ideas on how I can incorporate ethnic foods from the Pacific Rim, including China, into my menu and still have Idaho® potatoes as an ingredient?
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Creative Food Presentation

May 17, 2010
Q: I have been reading about all these chefs discovering the use of glass Mason jars and transparent beverage containers as a method of showing off a new menu item.  Have you seen this?
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Breakfast Burritos

May 14, 2010
Q: Recently I saw an article about Denver restaurants comparing breakfast burritos and noticed that all of them included potatoes, eggs and some form of chili wrapped in a tortilla.  Do you have a recipe that might be a little more unique that we could try in our place?
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Do Potato Farmers Have Separate Fields for Their Personal Consumption?

May 12, 2010
Q: We buy really nice Idaho potatoes at our local Costco and we love them.  Recently I have been hearing that potato farmers have separate fields for their personal consumption because they don't like all the chemicals and pesticides used on the potatoes sent to market.  Is this true?
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