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Garlic Flavor and Idaho® Potatoes

Dec 10, 2010
Q: I love garlic and want to pair a recipe up with potatoes. Seems like the restaurants I go to that serve garlic mashed potatoes are afraid that they will offend someone who orders this side dish, I can hardly ever taste the garlic… any suggestions?
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Secret Idaho® Potato Ingredients to Make Your Mashed Potatoes Shine

Dec 8, 2010
Q: What secret ingredients, if any, will make my Idaho® mashed potatoes sparkle when I serve them to my family?
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What Can I Do With Left-Over Mashed Potatoes?

Nov 26, 2010
Q: I have some extra mashed potatoes from yesterday’s holiday meal, any ideas that I can fix my family?
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Mashed Potato Preparation Tips, Sure to Ease Your Holiday Cooking

Nov 23, 2010
Q: I am doing mashed potatoes for the first time for my family and can’t afford to make any mistakes. I guess I should have paid attention to Mom and Grandma when I hung around the kitchen as now they are coming to my place. Can you give me an outline of easy to follow tips and information?
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Making Mashed Idaho® Potatoes Ahead of Time

Nov 22, 2010
Q: How can I fix mashed Idaho® potatoes ahead of time?
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What to do With Leftover Mashed Idaho® Potatoes

Nov 8, 2010
Q: Is there anything interesting to do with leftover mashed Idaho® potatoes?
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Mashed or Smashed Idaho® Potatoes for Thanksgiving?

Oct 27, 2010
Q: Should I mash or smash Idaho® potatoes for Thanksgiving?
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Mashed Potatoes Insight

Sep 13, 2010
Q: What’s hot with mashed potatoes right now?
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Mashed Potatoes Made Simple

Jul 30, 2010
Q: Unfortunately it’s just too hard to make mashed potatoes from scratch anymore; with the labor costs at our unit and the high volume. Mashed potatoes are a popular side dish so we sell a lot of it. Do you have any suggestions on keeping this a signature item?
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Mashed Potatoes for a Large Crowd

Feb 5, 2010
Q: What is the best way to prepare mashed potatoes for 200 people for a sit down dinner?
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