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Dressing Up Idaho® Potato Side Dishes

Feb 4, 2011
Q: I have some great variations on potatoes including one with wild mushrooms, several with cheese mixed in and even one with colorful vegetables blended in to give the mashed a real brightness. How can I dress up my Idaho® potato side dishes when they are served to a guest?
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How Can I Get the Yellow Potato Spikes to Put Into Baked Idaho® Potatoes?

Feb 2, 2011
Q: I would like to have the little yellow potato spikes to put into our Idaho® baked potatoes here at the restaurant, as we are very proud of serving only Idaho® potatoes. How do I go about ordering those for our restaurant?
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Bundled Meals at High-End Restaurants?

Jan 31, 2011
Q: High volume budget steak houses seem to have put together a lot of combo meal deals lately. How can they afford to do this?
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Storing Potatoes

Jan 26, 2011
Q: How to potato growers store their potatoes? Can I duplicate this?
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What's with all the Green on my Potatoes

Jan 24, 2011
Q: I know you have covered this before, but what is with all the green on my potatoes when I get them home from the store?
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Idaho potatoes and “specific gravity”

Jan 21, 2011
Q: Can you explain the term “specific gravity” when it comes to Idaho potatoes? People have told me I need to look for a potato with high solids or specific gravity to make decent fresh fries.
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It's Natural to Have Potato Bruising

Jan 19, 2011
Q: This time of year my potato supplier says that it’s natural to have potato bruising. What exactly does that mean? What causes it?
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Starch in an Idaho potato

Jan 17, 2011
Q: What exactly is the story behind why I need to be concerned about the starch in an Idaho potato when I am making fresh cut French fries?
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Common Grades of Potatoes

Jan 14, 2011
Q: What are the most common grades of potatoes? Do No. 2 potatoes taste different than No. 1 potatoes?
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Potato Chemistry in Cooking

Jan 11, 2011
Q: Can you have someone explain the potato chemistry in cooking?
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