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Can Bacon Share The Oven With Baked Idaho® Potatoes At Breakfast Time?

Jan 27, 2016
Q: Can I bake a potato and bacon at the same temperature in the oven for breakfast? I thought I saw a breakfast stuffed potato and egg recipe from Mr. Food a couple of years ago and want to try this over the holidays.
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My Yukon Gold Potatoes Taste Earthy

Jan 24, 2016
Q: I bought some Yukon gold potatoes this weekend because my mother bought some and mashed them up and she said they tasted earthy. I figured she had purchased a lesser brand or something so I purchased some Yukon gold and made mashed potatoes too. I think they were Sieverson Yukon golds. Anyway when done they looked right but they tasted EARTHY...ish. Why is this happening? They were peeled before I boiled them, so I didn't leave any dirt on them. Do you know why they are tasting earthy?
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My Frozen Fries Are Too Oily

Jan 21, 2016
Q: Sometimes when I make fries (frozen fries) they come out like they just absorbed a lot of oil, hard on the outside and filled with tons of oil on the inside, it looks and tastes horrible. Do you know why this might happen?
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Can I Make My Mashed Potatoes Around 10am To Serve At 4pm?

Jan 18, 2016
Q: Can I make my mashed potatoes around 10am to serve at 4pm? Could I put them in a crock pot on warm for that long?
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Slow Cooker Mashed Potato Recipe Doubled From 8 Servings to 16 Servings

Jan 15, 2016
Q: Can the Slow Cooker Mashed Potato recipe be doubled from 8 servings to 16 servings and still cook ok in the slow cooker?
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Storing Blanched Or Par Cooked French Fries At Room Temperature

Jan 12, 2016
Q: How long can I store par cooked French fries at room temperature?
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Idaho® Potato and Fryer Oil

Jan 12, 2016
Q: We have decided to open a restaurant concept that will serve fresh cut French fries, similar to gourmet burger fast casual but focused on chicken sandwiches. I know we need to keep the chicken breaded breasts in a separate fryer from the potatoes, and want to use Idaho russets. If you were to pretend that I am the student and you are the educator, what do I need to know about Idaho potatoes and fryer oil? Do you have a presentation I could share with my operations team?
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The Difference Between Poutine and Loaded Fries

Jan 8, 2016
Q: Dear Dr. Potato, What’s the difference between poutine and loaded fries?
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Top Ten Favorite Chef Recipes Of Dr. Potato For 2015:

Dec 30, 2015
Q: Dr. Potato what recipes on your website would you say are your top ten favorite chef recipes from 2015?
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Food Blogger: Top Ten Favorite Recipes Of Dr. Potato For 2015:

Dec 28, 2015
Q: Dr. Potato what recipes on your website would you say are your top ten favorite blogger recipes from 2015?
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