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Where Should I Store Potatoes At Home If I Buy A Big Bag Of Idaho® Russets?

Aug 28, 2015
Q: I remember my grandparents storing fresh potatoes at home in a root cellar. I want to take advantage of the pricing and availability of having a ten pound bag of spuds at home for last minute menu choices but don’t know where to store the potatoes once I buy them. Any recommendations
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Ten steps to better homemade Idaho® Potato french fries

Jul 16, 2013
Q: Are there some tips on how I cannot screw up the relationship I have with homemade Idaho® French fries? What exactly are the pitfalls I need to avoid to please guests with the best fresh cut French fries?
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What Idaho® Potato Variety Should I Use for Fresh Cut French Fries?

Nov 1, 2010
Q: Do you have a recommendation as to what variety of Idaho® potato I should use for making fresh cut French fries?
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