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What Happened to my Idaho Potatoes?

Jun 11, 2013
Q: I am Canadian and I usually get potatoes from PEI. My girlfriend who is American brought me a bag of Idaho white potatoes and I mashed them. I washed and peeled them and cut them in half and boiled them for what took about 50 minutes! In the last 5 minutes, they went mash all right. They absorbed all the water and turned out water mash potatoes, I barely had to mash them! Is it that Idaho potatoes don't mash well or because they were white potatoes?
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A winning Idaho potato recipe

May 24, 2013
Q: While I’ve never come up short brainstorming great foods with potatoes as the main ingredient, I was delighted to see that Idaho Potato’s recipe section goes above and beyond the standard hash browns and casseroles and even offers some intriguing dessert options. My company is having a cook-off, and my first instinct is to go all in with a classic staple like mashed potatoes, but I figure I won’t be alone in this strategy. What is my surest bet in winning over as many taste buds as possible? Stick with a traditional recipe, do traditional with a twist, or go left-field with a dessert? Can you do me the honor of selecting my recipe?
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Using leftover mashed potatoes

May 21, 2013
Q: I made mashed potatoes with sour cream and cream cheese that have been in an airtight container in my refrigerator for a week. Are they safe to eat?
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Dr. Potato - Traditional Mashed Potatoes

Jan 31, 2013
Q: Do you have a great, simple mashed potato recipe to share?
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Cooking with Dehydrated Potatoes

Jan 29, 2013
Q: I was cleaning out my pantry the other day and noticed that I have several packets and containers of dry potatoes for recipes like mashed potatoes and hash browns and scalloped potatoes. Any suggestions on using these as a base for a more interesting recipe?
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Mashed Potato Doughnuts or Donuts? Either way, here is how to make them.

Nov 13, 2012
Q: Sometimes I make mashed potato doughnuts using a recipe I found on the back of a box on instant mashed Idaho potatoes and sometimes I want to use leftover mashed potatoes. Any idea on how I can substitute one for another?
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Alternatives to Mashed Potatoes on Thanksgiving

Nov 13, 2012
Q: Have you found any alternatives to serving mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving?
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How to Amp Up Your Mashed Potatoes

Oct 19, 2012
Q: Nearly every entree at my restaurant is paired with mashed potatoes. They are made fresh from Idaho® Russet potatoes and are very popular, but is there a way I can amp up this comfort food side?
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Do mashed potatoes have less sugar than baked potatoes?

Jun 19, 2012
Q: Do mashed potatoes have less sugar than baked potatoes?
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How Long Can Mashed Potatoes be Safely Regrigerated?

Apr 16, 2012
Q: How long can mashed potatoes be safely refrigerated?
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