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Why Are My Potatoes Discolored After Cooking?


I Rinsed, Peeled, soaked, cut, and boiled my potatoes. Then drained, sprinkled sparingly with apple cider vinegar (for potato salad), cooled 15 minutes, covered with large plate over bowl and refrigerated them. One hour later, removed from fridge to assemble potato salad and all the potatoes were showing dark, blackish shadows. Can they still be made into potato salad?


Sounds like you did the right things to keep the potatoes from turning gray by adding vinegar to the mixture. Always hard to diagnose long distance or without a picture. I am guessing you may have a batch of potatoes that suffered from bruising. The bruises just under the surface of the potatoes are hard to detect until cooked, usually right where the potato comes in contact with the skin. OK to eat, but probably not very appealing to your visual sight.

It's Natural to Have Potato Bruising

Idaho Potato Pulse: Six tips to help control bruising