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How To Know You're Buying Idaho® Potatoes

How do I know I'm buying Idaho® potatoes?


To be sure you’re getting genuine, top-quality Idaho Potatoes; look for the “Grown In Idaho” seal, which features a silhouette of the state of Idaho, and for the registered certification mark, “Idaho® Potatoes.”

Genuine Idaho® potatoes have a rounded, somewhat elongated shape, few and shallow eyes, net-textured skin and a deep brown color. Look for clean, smooth, firm-textured potatoes that have no cuts, bruises or discoloration.

Don’t buy potatoes that are soft or have excessive cuts, cracks, bruises or discoloration and decay. If your potatoes have any green spots, pare them off before cooking because they could taste bitter.

Dr. Potato isn't a real doctor but a team of potato experts ready to answer all your potato questions.

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