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Can I boil my potatoes with skin on 2 days before I make potato salad? Using whole potatoes?
OK to boil then cool the potatoes. I typically cut the potatoes into even sized chunks, that way the potatoes cook more evenly and will also cool faster if you run cold water over the potatoes after they are done. A trick to keep the potatoes from oxidizing or turning dark… on the last rinse with cold water, place the potatoes in a bowl with the water covering the potatoes and add either white wine vinegar or concentrated lemon juice, about a teaspoon for a few potatoes, a tablespoon for more. This is just enough acidity to help the potatoes from discoloring. Let sit for a couple of minutes, drain the liquid off the cooled potatoes and place in a plastic bowl, cover with a clean towel or paper towel to absorb moisture, then seal the bowl and its contents with a lid or plastic kitchen shrink wrap.
Learn more about All Things Potato Salad here!
Lots of fun potato salads at this link too:
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