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Idaho® Potato Picnic Salads

With warmer weather just around the corner, do you have any tips for picnic potato salads?


Nearly every family has a favorite potato salad, so why not make two versions?  That way the group that fully expects to be served “Mom’s Potato Salad” can be satisfied and the group that would like to try something new will get to start a new tradition. In America, the tried and true potato salad usually contains mayonnaise, red or russet potatoes, perhaps some celery, sliced pickles or pickle relish, hard boiled eggs, and the ubiquitous parsley garnish.

We’ve got some potato salad recipe links below for some interesting variations on the typical family favorite that add a small twist or two. We also have some non mayo based potato salad recipes for dressings with vinegar that are terrific:

imageIPC's Best Traditional Idaho® Potato Salad image-1Idaho® Potato and Edamame Salad
image-2Loaded Baked Idaho® Potato Salad image-3Idaho® Potato, Cucumber and Dill Salad
image-4Roasted Idaho® Potato Bacon Salad image-5Tuscan Idaho® Potato Salad
image-6Mediterranean Idaho® Potato Salad image-7Ensalada Rusa (Spanish Style Idaho® Potato Salad)

Learn more about All Things Potato Salads here!

Dr. Potato isn't a real doctor but a team of potato experts ready to answer all your potato questions.

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