Rulemaking and Statutes

Public hearings on administrative rulemaking and statute changes have concluded and the comment period closed on August 15. The hearing officer issued recommendations based upon comments received during the hearings and through email submissions. Based upon his recommendations, the IPC adopted rules on August 29 regarding commissioner nominations. Please find links to our adopted rules and proposed legislation below.

Administrative Rules

Adopted Rules Governing Nominations for Appointment as a Commissioner to the Idaho Potato Commission —published in the October 3 Idaho Administrative Bulletin. To view the entirety of the Idaho Administrative Bulletin, please visit this link.

Proposed statute changes

RS26448: This legislation allows the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) to establish administrative rules governing the nomination and election of IPC commissioners. It also conforms the term of commissioners to IPC's fiscal year and strikes two redundant counties from commission districts. Finally, it contains an emergency clause, so the new procedure can be utilized in nominations coming up in March 2019.

It clarifies the definitions used for who is considered a grower, shipper, and processor for nomination to become and eligibility of voting for a commissioner of the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC). It establishes qualifications and requirements for commissioners and contains an emergency clause, so the definitions can be used for nomination procedures in March 2019.

See full Statement of Purpose 

This legislation redraws the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) grower commissioner districts to bring representation more into alignment with potato production while using known political boundaries. It also incorporates the changes made in companion legislation, so changes will be consistent and establishes a future effective date.

This draft legislation was not approved by the Commissioners. A new draft of the redistricting legislation will be prepared if approved by the Governor’s Office. 

See full Statement of Purpose

Public hearings about negotiated rulemaking and statutes took place on the dates below. The exhibits were documents presented at the hearings and considered by the hearing officer in making his final recommendation.

Negotiated Rulemaking Meetings
(All Times Are Local)

Tuesday, July 24, 2018
4:00 to 6:00pm

Exhibits for consideration

Hearing Transcription

IPC Offices
661 S. Rivershore Ln., Ste. 230
Eagle, ID 83616

Tuesday, July 31, 2018
5:00 to 9:00pm

Exhibits for consideration

Hearing Transcription

Burley Inn & Convention Center
800 N. Overland Avenue
Burley, ID 83318

Wednesday, August 1, 2018
5:00 to 9:00pm

Exhibits for consideration

Hearing Transcription

Shoshone-Bannock Hotel
777 Bannock Trail
Fort Hall, ID 83203


Hearing Officer’s Recommendation