Close-up of potatoes in basket

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With everything our potato experts know, they should be called doctors! Have a question? Dr. Potato will be sure to get your question answered within a week.

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Potato Trends

Recently I had a group of operators from Korea asked me about potato trends and also if I had seen anything unique that they might be able to take back to their country and try on customers for late night or breakfast/brunch.  
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Q&A: This Year's Harvest

What is the harvest like this year?
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Kids Menus - Healthful Tips

The folks over at Good Housekeeping have some strong feelings on what fast food operators should be feeding kids these days.
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Q & A: Healthy Potato Choices for Restaurants

We operate a restaurant in an area where people demand healthy choices on their menu. Do you have any suggestions?
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Potato Skins and Twice Baked

What can I do with my leftover baked potatoes?
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Grill Crazy Potatoes

Even though your customers have opted not to lug that bag of charcoal out and fire up the grill themselves, they’re probably still craving that hot-off-the-grill taste.  Since you’ve probably got your grill going for steaks, chicken and chops, why stop there?
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Foil Baked Potatoes

Why are restaurants still wrapping their potatoes in foil?
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I Left My Cubed Potatoes on the Counter Overnight, are They Safe to Eat?

Hello I cubed about 2 pounds of potatoes last night and put them in olive oil and seasoning, then left them covered in a glass bowl on the counter. I wanted to bake them tonight for dinner, but I'm not sure if these are safe to eat. Please advise.
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Dr. Potato isn't a real doctor but a team of potato experts ready to answer all your potato questions.

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