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Grill Crazy Potatoes

Even though your customers have opted not to lug that bag of charcoal out and fire up the grill themselves, they’re probably still craving that hot-off-the-grill taste.  Since you’ve probably got your grill going for steaks, chicken and chops, why stop there?



Even though your customers have opted not to lug that bag of charcoal out and fire up the grill themselves, they’re probably still craving that hot-off-the-grill taste.  Since you’ve probably got your grill going for steaks, chicken and chops, why stop there?

Try any of these suggestions:
•    Cut Idaho® potatoes in slices or cubes.  Sprinkle with salt, pepper, melted butter and garlic, or rosemary, balsamic vinegar and butter.  Wrap in foil and place on the grill.

•    Brush whole washed Idaho® potatoes with vegetable oil.  Prick with a fork and wrap in foil.  Bake on the upper rack (if possible) of your grill for 45 to 60 minutes.  For a crispier skin, do not wrap in foil.

•    For great flavor nuances, bake potatoes over hickory wood chips for a strong smoke note or apple wood chips for a mild, sweet smoke note.

•    Slice whole potatoes vertically in ¼ inch thick slices, being careful not to cut all the way through, keeping all parts attached.  Rub the potato with salt, pepper and butter.  Grill, tented with foil, for 30 minutes.  Turn over and grill 30 minutes more.

•    Simply cut potatoes into thick slices and place on grill.  You can also par-cook the potatoes in water and hold in the refrigerator before grilling.  For added flavor, sprinkle potatoes with chili powder before grilling.

•    Cook Idaho® potatoes in water until almost tender.  Cool and cut lengthwise into wedges. Grill and serve with salsa.

•    Prepare your usual au gratin dish with par-cooked Idaho® potatoes, cream, butter, and cheese.  Place the au gratin dish on the grill over indirect heat and cook 30 minutes to add a smoky barbeque flavor to a classic dish.

Dr. Potato isn't a real doctor but a team of potato experts ready to answer all your potato questions.

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