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Should I Soak My Fresh-cut French Fries in Salt Before Frying?

What kind of salt, Kosher or Sea salt, should I use to soak my fresh-cut French fries in before frying?


Soaking cut French fries prior to cooking in salt water, using any type of salt, is not recommended. This may seem like a helpful method and can infuse a slight flavor, however, salt is a big factor to the fry oil breaking down prematurely. Keep in mind that cooking oil is by far more costly than anything else in the French fry making process, so I suggest saving the salt for post-frying. Here’s a link with more details on the subject:

And, here's a link to a number of delicious French fry recipes using Idaho® potatoes:

Idaho® Potato Truffle Fries

Dr. Potato isn't a real doctor but a team of potato experts ready to answer all your potato questions.

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