Easy Homemade Potato Chips and Bubbly Pairings

Easy Homemade Potato Chips and Bubbly Pairings

Vicki Sowa
Food Blogger
Bubbly Side of Life


Other Seasoning Options:


  1. Wash the potatoes under cold water and dry them well.
  2. Using crinkle cutter knife (we got ours on Amazon), cut the potatoes into thin slices.  We did try thick slices to see if we liked them better and it was more of a potato skin than a potato chip.
  3. Spread the sliced potatoes out onto paper towels in a single layer.  Dry them well. 
  4. Decide how many different seasonings you want to use and divide your potato slices equally.  Take that amount of potato slices place them into a large bowl.  
  5. Coat each of the potato slices in olive oil.  You do not need very much oil, in fact, we used the olive oil spray to control the amount better.  
  6. Add the seasoning of your choice.  Be very generous.  
  7. Mix well to be sure all of the potatoes are coated. 
  8. Spread evenly into a single layer on the air fryer pan.  (Thankfully my sister has an air fryer feature on her oven so we were able to use the air fryer pan which is about the size of a baking sheet.
  9. If you’re using the olive oil spray, do another quick spray before placing them into the oven.
  10. Cook at 375 F for 20 minutes.  At the 20 minute mark, flip them over and put them back in for 5-7 more minutes.  
  11. Place on a wire wrack to cool completely at room temperature
  12. Repeat for remaining potatoes using the other spices you chose.
  13. Once cooled completely, store your chips in an airtight container.


For more dip recipes and bubbly pairings click here.