How do I know if I’m really getting Idaho® potatoes?
By state law the “Grown in Idaho®” seal must be on all bags or boxes. Check the containers. If the seal is not there you are not getting Genuine Idaho® potatoes.
Q: Are all “baking potatoes” Idaho® potatoes?
A: No. Only those grown in the state of Idaho can be called Idaho® potatoes. Your guarantee of genuine Idaho® product is the “Grown in Idaho®” seal. Even if potatoes are repacked in your local area, the repacker must be licensed in order to use the “Grown in Idaho®” seal.
Q: What is the difference between Idaho® potatoes and those grown in other areas?
A: Moisture content. The Russet Burbank potato grown in Idaho has a high solids, low moisture content. This is often referred to as specific gravity. Idaho’s soil, climate and controlled irrigation guarantees that the potatoes grown in Idaho will have a dry, fluffy, mealy texture…the premium properties for an excellent baked potato, crispy French fry or hash browns and fluffy mashed potatoes.